Aura Cleansing Candle
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Our auras, or energy fields, interact constantly with the energy of others. It's not uncommon for us to take on some of the energy of other people.
For example, have you ever been in a great mood, then spent time with someone sour and negative, only to find that your good mood has evaporated? You've probably taken on some of the energy of the negative person.
Usually it does not serve us well to absorb others' energies into our own auras (although there are exceptions).
Our auras can also harbor the energies of unwanted thought forms (such as negative self-images and negative self-talk) and unprocessed emotions. Drugs (prescribed or not) and even food can also taint the aura.
Any of these foreign energies can make our energy field less balanced, and can cause blockages to the natural flow of energy in our field.
When our auras are harboring unwanted energies, we may feel tired, down, unbalanced, depressed, anxious, "not quite ourselves," or even ill. We can clear our fields through various aura cleansing techniques.
Doing an aura cleansing should make us feel more vibrant, clearer, happier, more balanced--more "ourselves."
The candle will be anointed with special oils, herbs and prayers. This Aura-Cleansing can help you stay well and feel more alive, more clear-headed, and more emotionally stable and balanced.